50th Jubilee of Kilsyth COG
Kilsyth Church of God are celebrating being about for 50 years…their month of special events kicked off with a ceilidh and Jiggered were the obvious choice for them! We’d already played for some of this bunch at a birthday bash in a barn back in 2010.
Winter’s here for sure- the car park was icy, the Christmas tree was up and the car radio was blasting out the tunes of the season! We performed 3 sets of about an hour each. In between the troops were enterained with some games and poem, specially penned for the occasion.
I think quote of the night goes to the older gentleman who introduced himself to Susan with the line “I fiddle a bit too, dear. I fiddle the taxes here and there”.
If you’re in the Kilsyth area, why not check out the events these guys have on this month and come along?